TTS* Analysis on ORNL Report

TTS* Analysis on ORNL Report

First, thanks to all our To The Stars* followers for being so patient regarding the scientific analyses of the Magnesium-Zinc-Bismuth (MgZn/Bi) “Art’s Parts” sample.  Many of you have read the ORNL report that we posted on our site in July where we also stated that we were going to send our own scientific representatives to conduct an analysis.

Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. Eric Davis’s analysis was completed and submitted to the Board of Directors on the 27th of September with a recommendation that we hold off publishing their report until a specified additional scientific contributor weighs in. Unfortunately, this person, weighed down with an extremely heavy schedule, was ultimately not able to contribute his own perspective on the MgZn/Bi material although there’s a possibility we may be able to publish his separate conclusions in the future.

The Puthoff/Davis analysis and the ORNL analysis answer most of the fundamental questions about the structure of the MgZn/Bi material itself; of course, the actual purpose of the material, though clearly manufactured, still remains a bit of a mystery.

What is important about the Puthoff/Davis report, however, is that they were able to clarify aspects of the ORNL report that were not clear while also confirming that the material, natural as it may be, is still a bit of an unknown quantity.  In the end though, the Puthoff/Davis analysis (and the ORNL analysis) did not reveal any form of proof of exotic (Extraterrestrial, Ultra-terrestrial, or inter-dimensional) origin, but it did not absolutely rule it out either.

Please read their report below:

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