By Luis Elizondo for Medium.
As human beings, we look at everything in terms of either/or.
Hot or cold? Left or right? Stay or go? Good or bad? Black or white? Up or down?
Scientists have speculated that the reason we see things in terms of opposites is due to the early stages of our development within our mother’s womb. They’ve theorized that we’re cardio-social animals, a result of our fetal development. More specifically, they posit, we are the way we are because of the very first experiences we have as human beings are those from within our mother’s womb. The rhythm of our mother’s heartbeat, a steady “on-off” pulse, may have more to do with human development and psychology than anything else.
We’re pre-wired to experience life and express ourselves through the lens of binary choices and options. When it comes time to take action and make a decision, it eventually comes down to one option or the other—we have to make a choice.
But Mother Nature doesn’t always play by the same rules.
You need only take a look at the bizarre world of fractals— a universe where the same patterns occur again and again at different scales and sizes—from the very small to the unimaginably large. Ever notice the limbs of a sprawling tree has the same pattern as a flowing river, a lightning strike, blood vessels, neural pathways of the brain, and even huge galactic mega-structures?
The Fibonacci sequence, long heralded for its relevance to “sacred geometry” and “the golden ratio” is another example where Mother Nature refuses to yield in terms of binary solutions, instead opting for an elegant yet infinite curve. The spiral nature of a nautilus shell, a pine cone, and even the arms of a spiral galaxy all share the same mathematical ratio. Here, again we see nature figuring out a solution that does not involve an “either-or” solution.
If Mother Nature doesn’t organize herself in terms of binary, then it stands to reason a binary thought process doesn’t really help us better understand our universe. What may work well in the binary language of computers may actually limit our ability to comprehend and appreciate how nature really works.
That’s why it’s so important that we strive to open our minds and consider the multitudes of possibilities that exist when it comes to topics on the fringe like Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)s.
There are more than two solutions to any problem.
Imagine if the only way to get home at the end of your day was to limit yourself to a maddening series of left and right turns? It would probably take you forever to actually get home. What if, in order to fly from New York to Los Angeles, you had to fly over Mexico and Canada first? Certainly not the most efficient way to fly!
I’m always challenging myself to see new possibilities.
One day, just to test myself, I turned on the light in the kitchen. When the time came to turn it off, I told myself I couldn’t take my normal route through the living room and instead, I had to find an alternate route. The day after that, I told myself I could no longer use the kitchen or the foyer to turn off the light, and quickly remembered I could enter the kitchen through the garage. By the fifth night, I was desperate for alternate routes, finding myself literally climbing through a kitchen window, determined to see how many different paths there truly were. By the 10th night, I resorted to throwing off electrical circuit breakers at the electrical panel.
At one point I even contemplated entering through the attic and sawing my way through the ceiling if I had to.
The point to this exercise was not to obsess over different scenarios. Rather the point was to force myself into recognizing there are more than two solutions to a problem, in this case, more than two avenues to turn off a kitchen light. In fact, we are only limited by our imagination as far as options, and of course the ire of our spouse if we decide to saw through a kitchen ceiling.
Binary decisions may work well when you are standing at the edge of a cliff, but life is more like a minefield—going left or right can both be the wrong decision.
Binary thinking frustrates progress.
In the case of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), there tend to be two schools of thought, either, “It must be a secret Government program” or “It’s aliens from outer space.” That’s why it’s so important that we strive to open our minds and consider the multitudes of possibilities that exist when it comes to the topic of UAPs.
But, if Mother Nature has taught us one thing, the answer may not be an “either-or” calculus. Some of the other possibilities could include a foreign adversarial technology, a multi-dimensional capability, or even a spatial-temporal aspect that we have yet to discover. And of course, as much as I disagree with the idea, it could have a spiritual/religious relevance. As unsettling as the idea may be, it is still a possibility.
UAPs are perhaps the greatest enigma we face in our modern times. As such, it is imperative we approach the issue with objectivity and open-mindedness in order that we don’t prematurely rule out a possible origin. Ultimately, this mystery may not have an either-or answer and may truly be far more bizarre than we ever thought possible.
We’ll never really know all the possible answers until we consider exploring the gray areas between black and white.