As a new year begins, TTSA reflects on its herculean mission to provide high-profile exposure and to bring credibility to unidentified aerial phenomenon research, along with developing intellectual property to educate, entertain and contribute to science and technology innovation. TTSA has made giant strides in our mission: from the official release and acknowledgment of UAP footage by government officials that has been viewed by over 28 million people, resulting in the mainstream press taking the topic seriously, to two successful seasons of the HISTORY series “Unidentified” syndicated around the world, thought leadership briefings at the highest level of the US Government, a Cooperative R&D Agreement with the US Army, topped with the astounding formation of a UAP Task Force by the US Department of Defense.
Even as fearless dreamers ourselves, we couldn’t have dreamed this big during our inception in 2017.
TTSA now enters its natural evolution as a company as we adapt to a new global landscape with new opportunities and priorities. TTSA looks to build on the momentum of business initiatives where we are seeing success and which are increasingly likely to yield shareholder value. Data collection, artificial intelligence and entertainment opportunities remain our mainstays as key opportunities going forward and we are excited to announce more soon.
As we enter this new phase, inevitable changes will come with it, including a change in personnel.
We are incredibly grateful for the founding team members who helped establish TTSA, including COO Steve Justice, Director of Special Programs Luis Elizondo and Advisor Chris Mellon, who are moving on to focus on other endeavors, as TTSA continues to develop the new chapter in its evolution.
“Between the end of Project Blue Book in 1970 and the launch of TTSA in 2017 there was no discernible progress on the UAP issue,” said Chris Mellon. “However, in short order we succeeded in getting the issue on the front page of the New York Times, we facilitated official inquiries by Congress, and DoD was ultimately compelled to acknowledge the reality of the UAP phenomenon. Consequently, the entire conversation has changed. Now an official DoD investigation is underway and Congress has asked for a thorough unclassified report. We succeeded in my view primarily by enabling courageous military officers and enlisted men to have their voices heard in high places. I’m proud to have been a part of this success and I remain committed to doing whatever I can to help solve the UAP enigma in the months and years ahead."
“This change does not alter the relationship TTSA and I have established or our collective dedication to the mission,” said Luis Elizondo. “We will continue to collaborate and strengthen our partnerships as we face new priorities and opportunities in the wake of COVID-19.”
TTSA thanks Steve, Luis and Chris for their meaningful contribution to the establishment of TTSA and an extraordinary three years. We wish them all the best in their future undertakings.
Please stay tuned for updates as TTSA remains steadfast to its mission and shifts gears towards a successful future.