A Defining Moment in History

A Defining Moment in History

There have been many defining moments in history. For the most part, we recognize them in retrospect when we can look back and see the entire picture to identify the tipping point. Occasionally, we are lucky enough to see them as they are happening.

At To The Stars Academy, we believe one of those electrifying moments is the recent statement by the U.S. Navy that footage captured onboard their elite fighter-jets was deemed “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Whether you prefer the academic inference of the term “UAP” or the legacy of the struggle for truth in the designation of “UFO,” we can all take a moment to consider the weight of this statement.

For decades, highly trained servicemen and women have been nearly silent when it comes to the extraordinary events they have experienced, alongside countless people around the world with similar stories. We are sensitive to the challenges such an announcement introduces to the Navy and applaud this action, which, when combined with their previous change in reporting procedures for UAPs, fundamentally changes the environment for this conversation.

There is now a path forward for To The Stars Academy to focus on research with more comprehensive and superior data that will, for the first time, allow for an extremely dynamic scientific investigation. We have been working tirelessly with multiple offices within Washington, D.C. to move the subject of UAPs beyond stigma, past curiosity, through acceptance and into a determined examination.

Evidence of our actions has been captured on the first season of HISTORY’s docu-series Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation, that will now see a second season. Confirmation of our successes can be seen in the paradigm-shift of mainstream media reporting and in the verification that government leaders are openly engaged and demanding answers.

We are in a time when indisputable facts are edging-out unsubstantiated, speculative claims that have masked and muddied the reality of UAPs for over 70 years. With patience, we must remind ourselves that this is only the first step towards answering one of the greatest mysteries of the millennia.

To The Stars Academy is energized and laser-focused on our continued mission, and we hope you continue to follow and support us on this incredible journey.

The TTSA Team

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